Friday, January 3, 2014

Global Flood Warning, Seek High Land


This is not to cause panic, but the information has been around for roughly the last 30 years or more, and now that the time is approaching, I think it's best I give one last reminder with the exact specific details.

Don't blame the government for not announcing it on all the news channels, in all the news papers, and making it daily knowledge. The information has been around for a very long time, and anyone with internet access should have already been aware of this, if they know how to use the internet, and use it for knowledge as it was intended. So in a way, this is just a test of who is listening and who is paying attention, fail to do both and suffer the consequence by dying and losing any trace of your existence for those that will live on.

Also, the government can't come out and say they know exactly what will happen, because then people would question how they know, and then things get complicated.

So here are the details. No matter where you live on Earth, you need to get on Google Earth, and check your land elevation with the sea level. Any land 55 meters or 180 feet above sea level, will be under water by the year 2025 or much much sooner! It could actually be any day! Or as late as 2030 or 2035 if the date information is incorrect. The fact is though, it will happen!

When you are on Google Earth, the land elevation is at the bottom right corner of your screen, next to the letter "m". Find your home, work place, friends, and family, make sure they are above 55 meters, the higher the number, the better.

Life jackets, and emergency inflatable boats are a good idea for people about 55 meters above sea level, but if you are under 55 meters, they will not save you.

The water will not be drinkable, as it will consist mostly of rotting corpses, sewage, toxic waste such as car batteries, and salt water washed in from the surrounding waters.

I hope this message gets out to everyone in time. Please tell everyone, and make this post go viral.

For those that want to know how I know of such specific information. I can't release that information yet. Let's just say, you aren't supposed to know.

Portable Disaster Morgues Shipped To Four States

For the center of America where the Mississippi River will widen and become a lake when the water levels rise.
